Coupon Pages

If you regularly publish a magazine yourself and want to generate more attention for it, or if you want to thank your customers in a light-hearted manner, Coupon Pages are an effective solution. CouponPages are A4 pages that can be included in your own publications or sent separately as an extra for your customers.

A CouponPage consists of six or eight coupons with attractive offers, geared specifically to your target group. It is also possible to place one or more offers from your own organisation on the CouponPage. This enables you to increase turnover effectively while the investment pays for itself.

CouponPages are designed in your own house style and can be sent very inexpensively. It is possible to use a paper type that does not incur any additional postage charges. The CouponPage can be delivered as a printable PDF or printed as a tear-off insert. Request additional information with no obligation.




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1181 VC  Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Telephone +31 (0)20 470 95 50
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